Speaking at WordCamp Kansas City – All the FAQs

We recently announced that our Call for Speakers for WordCamp KC 2019 is now open, and we’re sure you have questions. Here are a collection of some we’ve heard over the years.

What kind of topics are you looking for?

WordCamp presentations can be about any WordPress-centric topic, from beginner to advanced, including (but by no means limited to):

  • Entrepreneurship – e.g. promoting your small business with WordPress, finding WP clients, etc.
  • Content creation and distribution – e.g. using editorial calendars, managing a team of contributors, intellectual property law, podcasting, vlogging, etc.
  • Social media – e.g. using plugins to automate social posting, how to optimize content to improve engagement on each platform,  creating and managing multiple accounts, etc.
  • SEO – e.g. what specific plugins do to assist you, keyword research, recent Google updates, etc.
  • WordPress development – e.g. plugin development, version control, code security, multisite development, etc.
  • Web design – e.g. collaborating with other freelancers, offering value-added services, working with child themes, user experience, etc.
  • Personal experiences and case studies – share your unique experiences and projects to motivate attendees

Generally, a WordCamp KC presentation should be 30-40 minutes, then we will allow about 10 minutes for questions and answers afterward.

What format should I use for my presentation?

See the past presentation slides here, and see some videos from past WordCamp KC’s here, as examples.

How much WordPress experience will attendees have?

You will meet someone from pretty much every skill level, from those who haven’t even installed or logged in to WordPress yet, to those who have been using it a few months, on up to freelancers and agency folks who have their own WP clients. Your speaker application should clearly indicate who your presentation is most appropriate for.

How many times will I give my presentation, if selected?

Most likely, just once, over the two-day conference.

Can I mention my product/service to solicit business?

Share > pitch. WordCamps are educational events, not marketing opportunities, so submitting a presentation proposal that is actually a product pitch will not get you very far with the speaker selection team. That said, you can mention how you use WordPress within the context of your business.

Can I submit multiple presentations?

Yes, please do! Just submit each presentation on its own form – one talk per form.

Are speakers paid?

Speaking at a WordCamp is considered a voluntary contribution to the WordPress project, just like submitting a patch to core, or answering questions in the support forums. If you choose to travel to speak at WordCamp KC, the expectation is that you’ll cover your own expenses.

How are the speakers chosen?

The fearless team of WordCamp KC organizers will collect all the submissions and meet to discuss and select this year’s speakers. This isn’t a popularity or “who-you-know” contest. We’re looking for a variety of different topics that speak to a variety of audiences and skill levels. If the organizers aren’t familiar with your work, expect to be Googled.

What is the submission deadline?

The call for speakers will close at 11:59pm Central Time on Friday, April 19th.

When will speakers be chosen?

Speakers submissions will be reviewed and chosen by the organizing team between April 20th and Saturday, May 3rd. Final speakers will be announced Monday, May 6th.

What if I <insert self-doubt here>?

Read this for some thoughts to consider: What’s Keeping You from Speaking at a WordCamp

Have other questions about speaking at WordCamp KC? Contact us!